Tuesday, March 1, 2011

{~*~{-Arne Abbot-}~*~}


Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

Hi Lady! Where are you? Your story on moving sounds so much like mine. I had no idea you were facing that. I am challenged with internet access also, but am holding on in faith.

I am blessed to hear from you and will always pray for you. Somehow and for some reason God has placed us in each other's path. You know I'm in Norfolk, VA. Would like to be able to contact you via email, rather than relying upon your open comments sessions, lol. But understand because I am a very private and busy person.

Love in Christ,

Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

I'm trying to say that I understand if you prefer to keep the contact via blog posts, because I am a very private person also. :-)

Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

Well, Flassie, I am so glad to read that you are alive, though I know you would be in that happy place if you were not. I hate it that I cannot contact you.

I am now living in Jacksonville, FL, with my mother (72). This unexpected and remarkable change happened towards the end of March and within 1 week, I was here. Please write soon.

With Christian love,

Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

Who are these people in these pictures?! They look like real people.